
2Cor 9:7 - "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Offering is an act of worship and stewardship. As you feel led, please give via one of the options below. God bless your faithfulness and generosity!

Physical Check

We collect physical, personal checks in our offering box during our Sunday morning worship sessions. For mail ins- you can issue checks payable to "Evangelical Chinese Church of South King County" or "ECC of SKC" and mail your check to P.O. Box 59686, Renton, WA 98058. 

We currently have enabled PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF), which enables you to make your offerings with a credit card. Please click on the following link for instructions on how to get set up: PPGF

We currently support online direct bank transfers through Zelle, a service that most major banks support. Please click on the following link for further instructions on how to get set up: ZELLE